LifePointe Changed Perceptions of Church


Glory to God whom through him all things are possible.

God has filled my heart with a desire to write this not only to acknowledge the church but to also acknowledge the man behind this wonderful church we have the privilege to worship in every Sunday.

I was invited to Lifepointe a few months ago. I walked in thinking I had a pretty good life and that things were going pretty well for me. Little did I realize how far from the truth that actually was nor did I realize the depths of the transformation I would be going through in the next few months.

That first Sunday, I walked into church with expectations that this was going to be another bad experiment in a long line a of bad experiments I have had with the churches throughout my past. I really had no idea how my life would change through that first encounter. That first sermon I heard at Lifepointe gave me a desire to hear more. Jason had been asked to give the sermon and he started the sermon with how he struggled with a sermon that he was given the task of delivering on short notice. I was pretty impressed that he admitted his struggles but when he started speaking, I was blown away at the passion I saw in him for Christ and wanted more. I could hear the Holy Spirit resonate through every word Jason spoke and it was like he was speaking directly to me. Maybe he was.

I have to be honest. I was still pretty skeptical. I had been there before only to wake up thinking when would I see the mask come off and the real church people come out. Everyone was so nice and felt genuinely happy to see me there but was that real or just an act for the new person. That first experience spoke into my heart in ways that I didn’t realize. See God had been telling me I needed a good church. I had been trying to do this on my own with very poor results but you couldn’t have told me that in the beginning. See I thought I had a great relationship with God and didn’t think I needed anyone else.

The next week I decided to come back if for no other reason then to hear what the Pastor’s message was before making any final judgement. Those two weeks honestly changed my whole perception of church and gave me a renewed hope in God. The way God reached into my heart through the message I was hearing just amazed me. It was like you were both speaking directly into my heart. The more I heard, the more I wanted/needed.

Those first encounters with Lifepointe and the people that make it such a wonderful place were amazing and still today continue to amaze me. I now feel like I have an extended family in Lifepointe. I have gotten involved in the Lifegroups and regularly participate in the men’s Pure Desire group. Today I am proud to call a lot of the people from Lifepointe my friends. All this because of the amazing leadership at Lifepointe. Sometimes people forget all the hard work and effort that that it takes to keep a church going, let alone put on the classes and groups. I can honestly say, my life has taken a 180 degree turn from where I has headed and am so grateful God was looking out for me when he asked me to attend Lifepointe that first time.

On a more personal level, thank you for taking the time to love me and speak into my life. I understand how busy you get with everything you do and I have seen Pastor’s get overwhelmed by all the responsibilities the anointing of being a Pastor comes with. Every time you take the time to acknowledge me and love on me makes my day and week.

I see all the work you put into serving God and just wanted to acknowledge that you are making a huge difference in peoples lives, especially mine. You are one of the most amazing men I have ever met and I am privileged that God decided to put you into my life and my heart. God through you has taught me some of the most amazing things about life and myself. I can think of no one else I would like to be on this journey with – well maybe a few others but you are on the top of the list 😊. I look back on that hour I spent with you and almost cringe thinking how superficial I was and how much denial I had in my heart. I am so glad God worked on my heart and opened my eyes to the truth. I look forward to the next discovery and the next item God wants to teach me about. I can honestly say, that has a lot to do with your teachings in my life. The fact that I know today without a doubt that God loves me, likes me and is in a good mood about me, is all a direct result of you showing me the truth. That fact that I can see that I am a broken human being and that it is ok, is another truth I learned from you.

I just can’t believe the wonderful journey God has me on and all the blessing he is filling my life with. Today I am seeing God working in every facet of my life. My passions are turning from those things I did that lead me further and further from Him and being turned to a passion for God and his word. I see my attitude changing from what can God do for me to how can I best serve God. I see myself having faith where previously I had tried to manage things on my own, pretty poorly I might add. Today I have a renewed hope for everything in my life. I cannot tell you how grateful I am. All because I took a leap of faith and walked into Lifepointe. How wonderful is God!!!!

Ok my friend, I have rambled enough. I just wanted you to know how special a place you have in my heart and my life.



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